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Ignite Your Passion for Evangelism

Calling All Church Leaders And Youth Pastors


Are you ready to ignite a movement of gospel communication and outreach in Birmingham?

It's time for Time4Brum—a dynamic and focused and initiative, mobilising prayer, unity, and action to spread the message of Jesus Christ throughout our city.


Part of Our Mission: Communicating the Gospel and Transforming Lives.

At Time4Brum, we believe in the power of the gospel to change lives.

Our mission is clear: to equip and empower every member of the body of Christ to confidently and competently share the good news of Jesus.

Inspired by Acts 1:8, we are dedicated to being bold and powerful witnesses of Christ in our communities.


Upcoming Events: Engage and Impact

Join us for two exciting events that are sure to inspire and equip:


•           Handsworth Park Outreach: Vibrant days of community engagement and gospel proclamation in Handsworth Park. Let's be on the cutting edge, come together to share Christ's love and reach hearts with the message of salvation. May 30th-2nd June 2024 email Watch Video


•           Franklin Graham's God Loves You Tour: An incredible opportunity to join forces with believers from across the city at Franklin Graham's God Loves You Tour. Let's unite in purpose and vision to see lives transformed by the power of the gospel. Saturday 15th June 2024 at the RESORTS WORLD ARENA, BIRMINGHAM. Free buses available.



Together in Unity: Strengthening the Body of Christ

At Time4Brum, we recognise the importance of unity and partnership in fulfilling the Great Commission, we are follower-workers Rise for Christ, Cfan, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Regardless of our individual preferences or comfort zones, there is a powerful call for us to work together as the body of Christ. Let's bridge our differences and unite in our passion to make Jesus known in todays culture.


Empowerment Through Training and Equipping

We are committed to equipping you with the tools and confidence needed for effective gospel communication. Through training sessions, resources, and hands-on experiences, Time4Brum will empower you to step out boldly and share your faith.


Join the Movement!


Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to be part of a movement that is transforming Birmingham through the love and message of Jesus Christ. Together, let's ignite a passion for evangelism and see lives changed for eternity.


For more information and to get involved, contact us today at Time4Brum?

It's time to rise up, speak out, and make a difference.


Time4Brum—where faith meets action!

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